
James Le Grice (LinkedIn | Instagram) is currently studying mathematics at university. He splits his time between researching and writing for ProductiveMess, doing university work, and training as a national-level competitive swimmer.
I’ve swum ridiculous hours per week for years, and while it limited my free time it also caused me to value every second of productive time I get that bit more.
A thoughtful workspace is a foundation any productive work is built upon. Using my experiences researching to create my own productive desk setups, I intend to share the most accurate and helpful information possible when it comes to taking your desk space to new heights.
What is a ‘ProductiveMess’
Now I know I said earlier that I take great pride in having a productive desk setup. But it might not look like this to everyone because I am a really messy person, and my desk is a really messy desk. So I thought calling a desk setup of this kind a ‘ProductiveMess’ was both fitting and pretty catchy.
My Experience of Productivity
Like I’ve already said, I have a limited amount of time to get my work done (like everyone else) and I have refined my workspace and work strategies over time through trial & error and lots of youtube videos detailing strategies I have tried and failed at.
I hope through ProductiveMess I can help you avoid some of the mistakes I made and can guide you towards making smarter workspace purchases using my countless hours of research.
Research Process
I aim to be as transparent in the research process I use, so you can rest assured that I truly provide the most accurate, concise, and useful content I possibly can.
I start the process of writing an article with thorough research on the topics, this includes but is not limited to getting my hands on products, trial and error for myself, reading academic publications on the topic, getting in touch with experts, and looking at what other people have to say (whether that be advice or product reviews).
If you have any questions, comments, or corrections for ProductiveMess then please feel free to get in touch here.